For Service Providers

Provider Opportunities

The WCPG offers several opportunities for CEUs and education on problem gambling. See the Conference/Training tab on the Home Page for more information.

IGCCB Certification

BACC Requirements

Become a Treatment Provider

SAMHSA; Gambling-An Introduction for Behavioral Health Providers.

Helpful Websites

Problem Gamblers and their Finances: A Guide for Treatment Professionals is available free of charge.


DSM 5 Criteria: Gambling Disorder – The American Psychiatric Association provides guidelines used for gambling disorders. Click here to view these criteria, which can be found within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). For more information on the DSM-5, please visit

Lie Bet


Scoring Rules for SOGS-RA

South Oaks Gambling Screen Revised for Adolescents

South Oaks Gambling Screen

The Division on Addiction BBGS e-Screener