County Crisis Lines

Crisis Lines by County for WI

National Suicide Hotline
1(800) 784-2433

The directory is not a complete listing of all crisis lines in WI. We update annually to make sure we keep this list current. For emergencies call 911.


City of Stevens Point Police Department Domestic Crisis Information 24-hr.Crisis
1(800) 472-3377 or
(715) 346-1500
TTY (715) 345-5244
1616 West River Dr.
Stevens Point, WI  54481

Adams County Crisis Center
1(888) 552-6642

211 Referral & Information

Adams County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 339-3304 or
1(877) 885-9977
Fax: (608) 339-4280
301 Adams St.
P.O. Box 279
Friendship, WI 53934


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
1(866) 317-9362

Memorial Medical Center 24-hr Crisis Line*
(715) 685-5500
1635 Maple Lane
Ashland, WI 54806

211 Referral & Information

Ashland County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 685-7640
Fax: (715) 682-7039
220 6th St. E
Ashland, WI 54806


Barron County 24-hr. Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642

Barron County Dept. of Human Services
(715) 537-5691
335 E Monroe Ave  Rm338
Barron, WI 54812

211 Referral & Information

Barron County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 537-3106
Fax: (715) 537-6615
1420 State Hwy 25 N, Rm 1200
Barron, WI 54812


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
1(866) 317-9362

Memorial Medical Center 24-hr. Crisis Line*
(715) 685-5500
1635 Maple Lane
Ashland, WI 54806

211 Referral & Information

Bayfield County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 373-6120
Fax: (715) 373-6123
615 2nd Ave. East
P.O. Box 115
Washburn, WI 54891


Crisis Center of Family Services (24-hr.)*
(920) 436-8888
300 Crooks St.
Green Bay, WI 54301

211 Referral & Information

Brown County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 448-4200
Fax: (920) 448-4206
2684 Development Drive
Green Bay WI, 54311


Buffalo County Health & Human Services (M-F 8-4:30 after Hrs. call Sheriff Dept.)
(608) 685-4412
(608) 685-4433
407 S. 2nd St.
P.O. Box 517
Alma, WI 54610

Buffalo County Crisis Line

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Buffalo County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 685-4433
Fax: (608) 685-3379
407 South Second Street
P.O. Box 396
Alma, WI 54610-0396


Crisis Intervention 24 Hour Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642

Burnett County Mental Health Crisis Line 
(715) 349-7600

Burnett County Health & Human Services
(715) 349-7600 x1261

Community Referral Agency
(715) 825-4414
1(800) 261-7233
24996 State Road 35
Siren, WI 54872

211 Referral & Information

Burnett County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 349-2121
Fax: (715) 349-2176
7410 County Rd. K #122
Siren, WI 54872


Prevent Suicide Calumet County
(920) 849-1400 (M-F 8:00-4:30) – (920) 849-9317 or (920) 832-4646 (after hours)
206 Court Street
Chilton, WI 53014
Fax: (920) 849-1468

211 Referral & Information

Calumet County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 849-2335
Fax: (920) 849-1431
206 Court St.
Chilton, WI 53014


Prevent Suicide Chippewa County
1-(888) 552-6642

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Chippewa County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 726-7701
Fax: (715) 723-6471
32 E. Spruce St.
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729-2542


Clark County Community Services 24-hr. Crisis Helpline
Phone (715) 743-3400 or
1(800) 863-3560
Fax: (715) 743-5209
517 Court Street Rm.503
Neillsville, WI 54456

Clark County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 743-3157 or
1(800) 743-2420
Fax: (715) 743-4350
517 Court Street, Room 308
Neillsville, WI 54456

Mental Health & AODA Crisis Line
1(888) 863-3560

211 Referral & Information


Columbia County Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642

Columbia County Dept. of Health & Services
Phone: (608) 742-9227 or
(608) 742-5344 (8:00am-4:30pm M-F)
Fax: (608) 742-9700
2652 Murphy Road (Location)
P.O. Box 136 (Mail)
Portage, WI 53901

211 Referral & Information

Columbia County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 742-4166
Fax: (608) 742-0598
711 E Cook St. / P.O. Box 132
Portage, WI 53901


Crawford County Human Services
(Ask for Social Worker M-F 8-4:30, after hrs. call Sheriff)
225 N. Beaumont Rd.
Prairie Du Chien, WI 53821
(608) 326-0248

Crawford County Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Crawford County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 326-0241 
Fax: (608) 326-4782
224 N. Beaumont Rd.
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821


Crisis Intervention (Mental Health Emergencies 24-hr.)
702 W. Main St.
Madison, WI 53703

211 Referral & Information

Dane County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 284-6800 (M-F 7:45am-4:30pm)
Fax: (608) 284-6163
Public Safety Bldg
115 W. Doty St.
Madison, WI 53703


Department of Human Services Crisis Line (After hours the call will go to dispatch and a counselor will call them back)
(920) 386-3500 (M-F 8:00am-4:30pm)
199 Home Rd.
Juneau, WI  53039

Dodge County Crisis Line
(920) 386-4094
1(888) 552-6642 (after hours)

211 Referral & Information

Dodge County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 386-3726
Fax: (920) 386-3254
124 West St.
Juneau, WI 53039


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
1(888) 299-1188

Department of Human Services
(920) 746-7155

Brown County 24-hr. Crisis Line (They can send a worker to Door Co.)
(920) 746-2588
300 Crooks St.
Green Bay, WI

HELP of Door County
1(800) 914-3571 

Crisis Line

211 Referral & Information

Door County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 746-2400
Fax: (920) 746-2411
1201 South Duluth Ave.
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235


Department of Health and Human Services Crisis Line
(715) 392-8216 (M-F 8:00am-5:00pm)
(715) 395-2259 (after hours)
1316 N. 14th St., Suite 400
Superior, WI 54880

211 Referral & Information

Douglas County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 395-1371
Fax: (715) 395-1503
1316 North 14th St.
Superior, WI 54880


Dunn County Health & Human Services (food, economic, mental health etc.) Open M-F, 8:00am-4:30pm, call Sheriff after hours)
(715) 232-1116
808 Main St.
Menomonie, WI 54751

Crisis Line*
1(888) 552-6642 or 1(800) 799-0122

National Suicide Hotline
1(800) 784-2433

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Dunn County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 232-1348
Fax: (715) 232-3900
615 Stokke Parkway, Suite G300
Menomonie, WI 54751


Eau Claire County Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642

Eau Claire County Dept. of Human Services (Open M-F 7:30am-5:00pm, Adult Intake Line, Call 911 if in immediate danger)
721 Oxford Avenue
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Eau Claire County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 839-4709
Fax: (715) 839-4854
728 2nd Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54703


Florence County Human Services Dept.(Housing/ Human Services Open M-F 8:30am-4:00pm, closed 12:00-12:30 for lunch; call Sheriff after hours)
(715) 528-3296 or 1(888) 452-3296

211 Referral & Information

Florence County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 528-3346
Fax: (715) 528-5350
P.O. Box 678
Florence, WI 54121


Fond Du Lac County 24-hr. Helpline
(920) 929-3535
459 East 1st St.
Fond Du Lac, WI 54935

211 Referral & Information

Fond du Lac County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 929-3390
Fax: (920) 929-3918
180 S. Macy St.
P.O. Box 1273
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1273


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
1(888) 299-1188

Forest County Crisis Line
(886) 317-9362

211 Referral & Information

Forest County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 478-3331
Fax: (715) 478-3535
100 S. Park Ave.
Crandon, WI 54520-1431


Unified Community Services (Crisis Services)
(608) 723-6357 (9:00am-5:00pm M-F)

24-hr. Domestic Abuse Crisis Line (they take the calls for Unified Comm. Services after hrs.)*
1(800) 362-5717

Great Rivers 211*
(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Grant County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 723-2157
Fax: (608) 723-2377
1000 N. Adams St. / P.O. Box 506
Lancaster, WI 53813


Unified Community Services (Crisis Services)
(608) 328-9383(before 5:00 pm)
(608) 328-9393 (after 5:00 pm)
N3152 State Road 81
Monroe, WI 53566

Crisis Intervention
1(888) 552-6642

211 Referral & Information

Green County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 328-9400
Fax: (608) 328-1823
2827 6th Street/ P.O. Box 473
Monroe, WI 53566


Green Lake County Health and Human Services (Call Sheriff Department After Hours)
(920) 294-4070
571 County Rd. A
Green Lake, WI  54941

211 Referral & Information

Green Lake County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 294-4000
Fax: (920) 294-3850
571 County Road A
P.O. Box 586
Green Lake, WI 54941


Unified Community Services (24-hr. Helpline)
(608) 935-2776
1(800) 362-5717*
1122 Professional Drive
Dodgeville, WI 53533

211 Referral & Information

Iowa County Crisis Line

Iowa County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 930-9500
109 E Leffler Street
Dodgeville, WI 53533


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
(866) 317-9362

211 Referral & Information

Iron County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 561-3800
Fax: (715) 561-2822
300 Taconite St.
Hurley, WI 54534


First Call for Help Crisis Line
1(800) 362-8255*
TTY (866) 884-3620

Jackson County Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642*

211 Referral & Information

Jackson County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 284-9009
Fax: (715) 284-0252
30 N. 3rd St.
Black River Falls, WI 54615


Jefferson County Human Services (24-hr. Crisis Line)
(920) 674-3105
1541 Annex Road
Jefferson, WI 53549

211 Referral & Information

Jefferson County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 674-7310
Fax: (920) 674-7126
411 S. Center Ave
Jefferson, WI 53549


Juneau County Department Of Human Services
(608) 847-2400 (8:00am-4:30pm M-F)
200 Hickory Street
Mauston, WI  53948

(608) 847-6161 (Call after hours ask for the Dept. Of Human Services on call hospital worker)
After Hours 1(800) 777-7386

211 Referral & Information

Juneau County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 847-5649
Fax: (608) 847-9401
200 Oak St.
Mauston, WI 53948


Kenosha Human Development Services (Emergency/Crisis Intervention 24-hour)
1(800) 236-7188
(262) 657-7188

211 Referral & Information

Kenosha County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (262) 605-5100
Fax: (262) 653-6903
1000 55th Street
Kenosha, WI 53140


Kewaunee County Dept. of Human Services (AODA/Mental Health Open 8:00am-4:30pm M-F)
1(866) 317-9362 (Call Sheriff if after hours)
810 Lincoln St.
Kewaunee, WI 54216

Kewaunee County Crisis Line
(920) 255-1645

211 Referral & Information

Kewaunee County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 388-3100
Fax: (920) 388-3998
620 Juneau St.
Kewaunee, WI 54216


La Crosse County Human Services
(608) 784-4357

Great Rivers 211* 
1(800) 362-8255* or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

La Crosse County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 785-9629
Fax: (608) 785-5640
333 Vine St., Room 1500
La Crosse, WI 54601


Human Services Department Crisis Services
(608) 776-4800
(608) 776-4848 (after hours)
627 N. Main
Darlington, WI 53530

Lafayette County Crisis Line
1(888) 552-6642

211 Referral & Information

Lafayette County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 776-4870
Fax: (608) 776-4808
138 W. Catherine St.
P.O. Box 148
Darlington, WI 53530


North Central Health Care (Mental Health Services 24-hr.)*
(715) 845-4326
(715) 848-4600
1(800) 799-0122*
(715) 845-4928 TDD
1100 Lakeview Dr.
Wausau, WI  54403

North Central Health Care Antigo Center
(715) 627-6694

211 Referral & Information

Langlade County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 627-6411
Fax: (715) 627-6433
840 Clermont St.
Antigo, WI 54409


North Central Health Care (Mental Health Services 24-hr.)*
(715) 845-4326
(715) 848-4600
1(800) 799-0122
(715) 845-4928 TDD
1100 Lakeview Dr.
Wausau, WI  54403

211 Referral & Information

Lincoln County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 536-6272
Fax: (715) 536-6206
1104 E. First St.
Merrill, WI 54452


Manitowoc Dept. of Human Services (only available until 4:30pm M-F)
(920) 683-4230
(920)323-2448 (Call after 4:30pm for crisis intervention)
926 S. Eighth St.
P.O. Box 1177
Manitowoc, WI 54221-1177

Manitowoc County Crisis Line*
1(888) 552-6642

211 Referral & Information

Manitowoc County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 683-4200
Fax: (920) 683-4946
1025 S. 9th St.
Manitowoc, WI 54220


North Central Health Care (Mental Health Services 24-hr.)*
(715) 845-4326
(715) 848-4600
1(800) 799-0122
(715) 845-4928 TDD
1100 Lakeview Drive, Wausau, WI  54403

211 Referral & Information

Marathon County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 261-1200
Fax: (715) 261-1221
500 Forest St.
Wausau, WI 54403


ADAPT Human Services Department (24-hr Mental Health Services)
(715) 732-7760
1(888) 552-6642 (after hours)
2500 Hall Avenue
Marinette, WI  54143

211 Referral & Information

Marinette County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 732-7607
Fax: (715) 732-7606
2161 University Drive
Marinette, WI 54143


Northland Community Services
(M-F 8:00am-4:00pm) (608) 296-2139
After hours call Sherriff Dept
161 Spring St.
Westfield, WI

211 Referral & Information

Marquette County Crisis Line (888) 552-6642

Marquette County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 297-2115
Fax: (608) 297-9045
67 W. Park Street
P.O. Box 630
Montello, WI 53949


Menominee County Health/ Human Services (Ask for on call worker.  After hrs. call Sheriff)
Phone: (715) 799-3861
Fax: (715)799-3517
W3272 Wolf River Rd.
P.O. Box 280
Keshena, WI 54135

211 Referral & Information

Menominee County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 799-3357
Fax: (715) 799-3595
P.O. Box 190
W3269 Courthouse Lane
Keshena, WI 54135


Milwaukee County Mental Health (over phone and in person counseling 24-hr.)
(414) 257-7222
(414) 257-6300 TDD

211 or (414) 773-0211(Inside Milwaukee County Only)

Milwaukee County Sheriff Dept
Phone: (414) 278-4766
Fax: (414) 223-1386
821 W. State St., Rm. 107
Milwaukee, WI 53233


Monroe County Human Services
(608) 269-8600 (Open 8:00am-4:30pm M-F)
1(888) 552-6642
14301 County Hwy B, Box A-19
Community Services Bldg A
Sparta, WI 54656

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255 or 211|
TTY (866) 884-3620

Monroe County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 269-2117
Fax: (608) 269-8889
112 S Court Street
Sparta, WI 54656-2185


Oconto County Health & Human Services
(920) 834-7000
(920) 846-3444
(920) 846-9362 (after 4:00pm)
TDD: 920-834-7045
501 Park Ave.
Oconto, WI 54153

211 Referral & Information

Oconto County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 834-6919
or (920) 834-6900
Fax: (920) 834-6915
220 Arbutus Avenue
Oconto, WI 54153


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link (24-hr)*
1(888) 299-1188

211 Referral & Information

Oneida County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 361-5100
Fax: (715) 361-5112
2000 E. Winnebago Street.
Rhinelander, WI 54501


Outagamie County Crisis Intervention (Mental Health, Intake, and Services 24 hr.)
(920) 832-4646
401 S. Elm Street
Appleton, WI 54911

Outagamie County Crisis Line 1(800) 719-4418

211 Referral & Information

Outagamie County Sheriff Dept
Phone: (920) 832-5605
Fax: (920) 832-5263
3030 E Goodland Drive
Appleton, WI 54911


Cope Services Hotline
(262) 377-2673 (Open 9:00am-10:00pm after hours they transfer them to 1st call for Help in Waukesha County)
885 Badger Circle
Grafton, WI 53024

211 Referral & Information

Ozaukee County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (262) 284-7172
Fax: (262) 284-8490
1201 S. Spring St.
P.O. Box 245
Port Washington, WI 53074-0245


211 Referral & Information

Pepin County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 672-5944
Fax: (715) 672-8753
740 7th Ave. West
Durand, WI 54736

Department of Human Services
(715) 672-8941 or 1(888)552-6642
(After business hours call sheriff department)


Pierce County Dept. of Human Services 24-hr.)
(715) 273-6770 or (715) 273-6766
(888) 552-6642 (After Hours)
412 West Kinne Street
P.O. Box 670
Ellsworth, WI 54011

211 Referral & Information

Pierce County Crisis Line*
1(888) 552-6642

Pierce County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 273-5051
Fax: (715) 273-3409
432 W. Main St
P.O. Box 9
Ellsworth, WI 54011


Polk County Human Services (Open M-F 8:30am-4:30pm – after hrs. call 911)
(715) 485-8400
P.O. Box 219
Balsam Lake, WI 54810

211 Referral & Information

Polk County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 485-8300
Fax: (715) 485-8355
1005 W. Main St.
Balsam Lake, WI 54810

Polk County Crisis Line*
1(888) 552-6642


Portage County Health & Human Services (M-F 7:30am-4:30pm)
(715) 345-5705
1(866) 920-2525 (toll free)
1(866) 317-9362* (after hrs. crisis intervention)
817 Whiting Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481

Family Crisis Center
(715) 343-7125
(800) 472-3377

211 Referral & Information

Portage County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 346-1400
Fax: (715) 346-1591
1500 Strongs Ave.
Stevens Point, WI 54481


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
(888) 317-9362

Memorial Medical Center Crisis Line
(715) 682-8217
1635 Maple Lane
Ashland, WI 54806

211 Referral & Information

Price County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 339-3011
Fax: (715) 339-4115
164 Cherry St.
P.O. Box B
Phillips, WI 54555


Racine County Human Services (Alcohol, Drug, Mental Health)
(262) 638-6741 (assessment center #) (if after hrs. call 911)
1717 Taylor Ave.
Racine, WI 53403

211 Referral & Information

Racine County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (262) 636-3822
717 Wisconsin Ave.
Racine, WI 53403


Richland County Health and Human Services (8:00am-5:00pm M-F Crisis Intervention)
(608) 647-8821
221 W. Seminary Street
Richland Center, WI 53581

Northwest Connections (call when Health & Human services is closed)
(888) 552-6642*

Great Rivers 211*

(800) 362-8255 or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Richland County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 647-2106
Fax: (608) 647-2624
181 W. Seminary St.
Richland Center, WI 53581


Rock County Crisis Intervention (24-hr Mental Health, Drug/Alcohol Services)
(608) 757-5025
1717 Center Avenue
P.O. Box 1649
Janesville, WI 53546

211 Referral & Information

Rock County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 757-8000
Fax: (608) 757-8010
200 E. Hwy 14
Janesville, WI 53545


Rusk County Health and Human Services(Open M-F 8:00am-4:00pm – Ask for on call worker)
(715) 532-2299
(888) 636-6655 (Call after 4 pm for a crisis after hours and on holidays)
311 Miner Avenue East, Suite C220
Ladysmith, WI 54848

211 Referral & Information

Rusk County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 532-2189
Fax: (715) 532-2175
311 E Miner Ave, Suite L100
Ladysmith, WI 54848


Department of Human Services
(715) 246-8287 8:00am-4:30pm
911 (After Hours call and ask for behavioral health worker on call)
1445 N. 4th St
New Richmond, WI 54017

211 Referral & Information

St. Croix County Crisis Line*

St. Croix County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 356-4895
Fax: (715) 386-4606
Government Center
1101 Carmichael Rd., Hudson, WI 54016


Sauk County Human Services
(608) 355-4200 (Call before 4:30pm M-F)
(800) 533-5692 or 1(888) 552-6642 (Call after 4:30 pm)
TDD: (608) 355-4298
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI 53913

211 Referral & Information

Sauk County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 355-4495
Fax: (608) 355-3598
Law Enforcement Center
1300 Lange Court
Baraboo, WI 53913


Sawyer County Health and Human Services
(Open 8:00am-5:30pm M-F & 8:00am- 7:00pm on Wed., Call 911 after hrs.)
(715) 634-4806
10610 Main St., Suite 224
Hayward, WI 54843

211 Referral & Information

Sawyer County Crisis Line 1(866) 317-9362

Memorial Medical Center Crisis Line*
(715) 682-8217
1635 Maple Lane
Ashland, WI 54806

Sawyer County Sheriff Dept.
(715) 634-5213
15880 5th Street
P.O. Box 567
Hayward, WI 54843


Crisis Line (Mental Health/ Drug Hotline after hrs. call 911)
(715) 526-3240
504 Lakeland Rd.
Shawano, WI 54166

211 Referral & Information

Shawano County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 526-3111
Fax: (715) 524-5181
405 N. Main St.
Shawano, WI 54166


Department of Health & Human Services 24-hr. Mental Health crisis line
1(800) 596-1919 (toll free)
1011 N. Eighth St.
Sheboygan, WI 53081

211 Referral & Information

Sheboygan County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 459-3111
Fax: (920) 459-4305
525 N. 6th St.
Sheboygan, WI 53081


Taylor County Human Services (Open M-F 8:30am-4:30pm)
(715) 748-3332 (Ask to speak w/ intake worker)
540 E. College Street
Medford, WI 54451

Taylor County Crisis Line
1(866) 317-9362

211 Referral & Information

Taylor County Sheriff Dept. (If having mental health crisis, ask to speak with the on call intake worker)
Phone: (715) 748-2200
Fax: (715) 748-3813
224 S. Second St.
Medford, WI 54451


Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255* or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Crisis Line*
1(888) 552-6642

Trempealeau County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 538-4351
Fax: (715) 538-2148
36245 Main Street
P.O. Box 67
Whitehall, WI 54773


Vernon County Family and Children’s Center (Crisis Calls)
(608) 637-7007
(608) 606-1842 (24 Hr. on-call Social worker)

Vernon County Dept. of Human Services 
Phone: (608) 637-5210
TTY: (608) 637-5516
After 4:30pm call Sheriff Dept.
318 Fairlane Drive, Suite 100
Viroqua WI, 54665

Great Rivers 211*
1(800) 362-8255* or 211
TTY (866) 884-3620

Vernon County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (608) 637-2123
Fax: (608) 638-5702
1320 Bad Axe Court
Viroqua, WI 54665


Community Mental Health Services Crisis Intervention Link 24-hr. Helpline*
(888) 299-1188

211 Referral & Information

Vilas County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 479-4441
Fax: (715) 479-0621
330 Court Street
Eagle River, WI 54521


Walworth County Health & Human Services 24-hr. Crisis Line
(262) 741-3200
or 1(800) 365-1587
1910 County Rd NN
P.O. Box 1005
Elkhorn, WI 53121

211 Referral & Information

Walworth County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (262) 741-4400
Fax: (262) 741-4645
1770 County Rd NN
P.O. Box 1004
Elkhorn, WI 53121


Washburn County Human Services (Information and Referral)
(715) 468-4747 (from 8:00am-4:30pm M-F)
304 2nd Street
P.O. Box 250
Shell Lake, WI 54871

Northwest Counseling and Guidance Clinic*
(888) 552-6642

211 Referral & Information

Washburn County Crisis Line
1(888) 860-0373

Washburn County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 468-4700
Fax: (715) 468-4715
421 Highway 63
P.O. Box 429
Shell Lake, WI 54871


Washington County Human Services Dept. 24-hr. Crisis Line
(262) 365-6565
333 E. Washington St.
Suite 2100
West Bend, WI  53095

211 Referral & Information

Washington County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (262) 335-4378
Fax: (262) 335-4429
500 N. Schmidt Rd
West Bend, WI 53095


Waukesha County Human Services Mental Health Center
(262) 548-7950 (from 8:00am to 4:30pm M-F)
1501 Airport Rd.
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188

Waukesha 1st Call for Help* (24-hr.  211 Crisis line)
262-547-3388 or 211

Waukesha County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (262) 548-7126
Fax: (262) 548-7887
515 West Moreland Blvd.
P.O. Box 1488
Waukesha, WI 53187-1488


Waupaca County Health & Human Services (Outpatient AODA Services etc.)
(715) 258-6300
(715) 258-6304 (M-F 8:00am-4:00pm)
811 Harding St.
Waupaca, WI  54981

24-hr. Crisis Line (Call when Human Services is closed)
1(800) 719-4418

211 Referral & Information

Waupaca County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 258-4466
Fax: (715) 258-4581
1402 E. Royalton St.
Waupaca, WI 54981


Waushara Department of Human Services Crisis Team
(920) 787-6618

National Suicide Prevention Line*
1(800) 784-2433

211 Referral & Information

Waushara County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 787-3321
Fax: (920) 787-7685
430 E. Division St.
Wautoma, WI 54982


Crisis Intervention (24-hr. Over Phone Counseling/Referral)
(920) 233-7707 (Oshkosh Area)
(920) 722-7707(Neenah-Menasha area only)
220 Washington Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902

211 Referral & Information

Winnebago County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (920) 236-7300
Fax: (920) 236-7302
4311 Jackson St.
Oshkosh, WI 54901


Wood County Crisis Intervention 24-hr.
(715) 421-2345 in Wisconsin Rapids
(715) 384-5555 in Marshfield (they both answer calls for the entire county)

211 Referral & Information

Wood County Sheriff Dept.
Phone: (715) 421-8715
Fax: (715) 421-8754
400 Market St.
P.O. Box 8095
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8095

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